
Reiki (RayKey)
Reiki is a natural method of healing and balancing the lifeforce energy (also known as Chi, Prana, or Ki) present in all living things. Dr. Mikao Usui is the founder of this healing discipline which he brought forth in the late 1800s within his native community in Japan. He named it Reiki which is Japanese for Universal Life Force or Life Energy.

In this natural method of healing, the practitioner becomes a channel through which this healing energy flows. Light hand placements are used on or near the body in order to guide the energy to all aspects of the bodymind continuum.

Reiki clears, aligns, and balances the subtle energy centers and meridians within the body,
thereby bringing greater health, vitality, and balance to our lives. Some of the benefits of Reiki include relief of pain, fatigue, and anxiety, as well as a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing.

For those coping with any situation in which energy depletion and discomfort are a factor, Reiki offers a way to relieve discomfort and reenergize. Reiki is also an excellent first aid tool to hasten the healing process in postoperative recovery, childbirth, emergency situations, and any circumstances in which the body has undergone an invasion. It accelerates and enhances the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.

Treatment What to Expect
During the session, the recipient is fully clothed and lies comfortably on a massage table with a pillow or bolster under their knees to protect the low back from undue stress. Blankets and extra pillows are always available to increase comfort and warmth if need be. The session begins with the recipient lying face up while the practitioner places their hands over strategic body positions designed to direct the flow of energy to the subtle energy centers and associated organ and endocrine systems of the body. Halfway through the hour, the person receiving turns face down and the session continues.

Falling asleep or entering a deep meditative state of mind is a normal response to receiving Reiki. This can be an indicator of a number of different factors. Most of us do not get enough rest, and the act of lying down even for short periods of time can prompt a state of deep relaxation. Add to that a constant flow of healing energy, and the stage is set for the body to go into a restorative mode.

Once the session is complete, the person receiving is invited to take a few minutes to integrate and absorb the work before beginning to sit up. It is common to experience a deep sense of peace and relaxation followed by a feeling of being energized. At least an hour of free time is recommended following the appointment to allow for a gradual reentry to the world. Eating a healthy meal, taking a leisurely walk, or sitting quietly are activities which often serve as a good transition to resuming whatever is planned for the rest of the day.